Representation for the 99%

We are up against a Republican Party in the District of Corporations (D.C.), whose Tax “Plan” will eliminate the ACA’s individual mandate, effectively throwing 13 million Americans off of their coverage in the next decade. And not only do we have to…

‘Bernie Sanders of the East Bay’ Leads California Endorsement Chase

“Our Revolution” Locals in 25 Communities Favor Former Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin RICHMOND - Gayle McLaughlin, two-term mayor of Richmond, CA, today announced support of more than two dozen affiliates of Our Revolution, the post-presidential…

Tax Cuts : Corporations don’t just want more, they want everything!

We know this already: The United States is ruled by corporations and the super-rich in the 1% who use their money to elect corporate-controlled politicians to the executive and the legislative branches of government.​ ​We also know that the tax…

My Speech at Town Hall for Progressive Democracy!

​Over this last weekend I was honored to join Nina Turner as a keynote speaker at Uphill Media’s Town Hall for Progressive Democracy, discussing the importance of building inclusive and corporate-free grassroots power. In Richmond I saw that when…

Keep the Internet Free!

On December 14th, the FCC will vote on the future of Net Neutrality. Which guarantees us access to all the wonders of the internet without the worry of Telecom giants like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon charging us premiums to access content, and…

Keep it in the ground! - Ban Fracking!

To frack, the oil companies use 80 billion gallons a year of our scarce California water and they pump their waste, containing many cancer-causing chemicals, into protected aquifers supplying drinking water. Ten counties and our ocean are already…

California Needs A Public Bank. Our Money, Our Power!

I’ve got a history of tangling with Wall Street. Here in Richmond, we championed a plan to keep families in their homes by acquiring underwater mortgages through the use of the city’s power of eminent domain. The plan was to reduce the principals on…

People are fighting back, and winning! Let’s rally for 2018.

This month’s elections were good news - we saw a power shift back towards the people as Republicans lost seats in Virginia and a diverse group of candidates won across the country under the Our Revolution and Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)…

My 2018 Endorsements!

I am excited to announce my support of many strong candidates who are dedicated in their fight for the 99%! First and foremost, I endorse Bernie Sanders for President of the United States 2020. I’ll do my share to help Bernie win. I am…

Housing is a Human Right - Rent Control Now!

Access to safe and affordable housing without the fear of forced eviction is a fundamental human right. Yet, for too long our government has failed in ensuring this right to all of our fellow citizens. This failure has become a crisis worse here in…