Leader Toolkit

Thank you for joining Gayle’s team and starting a “Gayle for California Club” in your community! The only way Corporate-Free Progressive campaigns can win, is when we have a movement of the people behind them! Contained in this toolkit are outlines, instructions and trainings to help make all of all you powerful organizers.

Your role as a Leader:

  • Founder and lead grassroots organizer for your Gayle for California Club
  • Creator and Administrator of your Gayle for California Club Facebook page
  • You will recruit and compile lists of folks who need know about Gayle (influencers and volunteers)
  • You will receive training on how to represent Gayle
  • You may be called on to speak on Gayle’s behalf
  • You will create and host a Barnstorm event, and may be working on other campaign events
  • You may work on building a local progressive alliance
  • You will identify opportunities to tie Gayle’s campaign to local issues and to get her out to help if possible
  • You may help acquire local voter files
  • Lastly, you will help the campaign complete its actions in accordance with the campaign plan’s timeline! This could include talking to voters, making phone calls, collecting signatures and winning this election through building local power!

One of the most important elements of being a successful leader and organizer in grassroots groups is creating a real community with the people you build with. Campaigning is hard and diligent work, but when you create an environment of solidarity and community it makes showing up for the fight worth it. There is nothing better than being in trenches fighting for REAL change with your friends.

Access Toolkit

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