Gathering Signatures for Gayle!

Thank you for wanting to gather signatures to get Gayle on the ballot! It’s time we show the power of our grassroots movement!

Signature Gathering Toolkit

YOU are the future of the political revolution. As I go up and down the state I see your enthusiasm and it gives me inspiration! Join us as we kick off the next phase of the campaign: together we will gather tens of thousands of signatures to put my name on the ballot and show the corporate candidates what only PEOPLE power will do! I ask that you contribute to this effort as we show the strength of our grassroots movement.

This page is designed so that we can get projections from progressive group leaders like yourself as to how many signatures you will collect and how many events you will hold!

Overall we need to submit 7,000 valid signatures to get on the ballot. Thus, we are shooting for 20,000 to show our grassroots power!

Signature gathering will take place from Dec. 15th thru Jan. 22nd, creating a 5 week long program. We believe it is possible to get 20 signatures/hour in a high traffic “hotspot”.

Using this assumption along with 2 hour block shifts, our calculation is that one 4 hour event with 8 shifts could yield 320 signatures – in just one event!

With this example as a template and the 20 signature/hour goal please estimate how many signatures you believe you could get over the course of our 5 week program, and how many events you and your group plan will hold to get there!

We highly encourage your group to host recurring events! Let’s show California the power of our grassroots movement, gathering tens of thousands of signatures for a corporate-free candidate!

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