Your Signature Gathering Event Details!

Thank you for committing to host signature gathering events to get Gayle on the ballot! It’s time we show the power of our grassroots movement!

Signature Gathering Toolkit

The response of folks wanting to host events and gather signatures to get Gayle on the ballot has been amazing, thank you so much for committing to take action! When we organize and fight, we win. 2018 will certainly be an exciting year!

This form is designed for you to nail down the specifics of your event so that we can help publicize and recruit for your events. We are dedicated to providing all the tools you need to be successful, which is why we have created the toolkit you can find above!

As you create your events here are some things to keep in mind;

Suggested “Hotspots” and places to get signatures:

“Hotspots” are areas where there is high traffic, which increases chances of getting more signatures.  You may also keep in mind places where people go who may have an affinity for progressive candidates.  In this way, a farmer’s market presents as a great option!  Also keep in mind that there are Women’s Marches happening in various parts of CA on January 20th – please mobilize as many volunteers as possible for this day!  Also note that MLK Day is January 15th and there are often celebrations all throughout that weekend!

Besides these two suggestions, also consider:

  1. Political rallies and marches around progressive political causes
  2. Fairs and festivals, including around crafts, culture, and health
  3. Sporting events as people arrive and leave the area
  4. Shopping districts or malls, during peak shopping hours

Hosting your event:

If you have committed to hosting a signature gathering event you will receive an event creation form. This is so we are aware of the events happening in California, and we can provide you all the resources you need to make it successful. We can help shift your event with people from our list in your area and we will be communicating through text regularly for updates!

Here is a template to use for crafting your event’s signature goal, with our assumptions:

  • We believe it is possible to get 20 signatures/hour in a high traffic “hotspot”. Using this assumption along with 2 hour block shifts, our calculation is that one 4 hour event with 8 shifts could yield 320 signatures – in just one event!
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