Join Gayle for California as a Petition Captain!

Thank you for wanting to gather signatures to get Gayle on the ballot! It’s time we show the power of our grassroots movement!

YOU are the future of the political revolution. As I go up and down the state I see your enthusiasm and hope for change and it gives me hope! We are kicking off the next phase of the campaign: together we will gather tens of thousands of signatures to put my name on the ballot and show the corporate candidates that only PEOPLE power will do! I ask that you join us in this effort as we show the strength of our grassroots movement.

A crucial part of our strategy is having active Petition Captains in every county.

Petition Captains are volunteers who will be responsible for picking up petition packets from their county’s election office. These captains will then scan the packets, and send their scans to the campaign. These scans will allow volunteers in each county to download and print their packets so they can begin to collect signatures. Then once the program is done, the volunteers will mail their petition packets back to the campaign, who will verify them and then mail them to the Captain. Then the Captain just hand delivers all the packets for their county, to their county’s local election office!

Without Petition Captains, our volunteers will not have the packets they need, thus this is one of the most meaningful roles you can take on!

December 15th will be the pick up day, and we MUST get all packets in every county collected and scans sent back to the campaign on that day. Will you join us as a Petition Captain for your county and can we count on you to pick up your county’s packets on the 15th?

Overall we need to submit 7,000 valid signatures to get on the ballot. Thus, we are shooting for 20,000 to show our grassroots power! Our goal is that we can gather 9,500- 13,500 signatures through activating activists like yourself, getting the other signatures through partnering with progressive groups and organizing on campuses.

We will be kicking off our signature gathering efforts on Dec. 15th thru Jan. 22nd, running a 5 week long program. We are going to need dozens of volunteers like yourself across the state gathering signatures every week. To put it simply, to hit our goal of 9,500 – 13,500 signatures we are going to need 50 volunteers committed to getting 38 signatures a week, or 100 getting 27!

You can also look at the goals below in the following way;

27 signatures/ week (you can also look at this like 3 – 4 signatures a day)

38 signatures/ week (you can also look at this like 4 – 5 signatures a day)

These signatures can be collected from your family and friends during the holidays, co-workers, neighbors, and through canvassing your community. We believe you could get up to 20 signatures/hour in a local “hotspot” with lots of traffic.

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