Gayle McLaughlin
for Lieutenant Governor 2018

Across California, local progressives are joining together to take back power. Together we are organizing corporate-free alliances that serve the people’s interest. 

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Blue-collar Richmond was once notorious for its street crime, gun violence, poverty, and pollution. During McLaughlin’s two terms as mayor, the city acquired a far different reputation—for battling Big Oil, Big Soda, Big Banks, and the landlord lobby. Today, this majority minority community of 110,000 is cleaner, greener, safer, and more equitable because it boosted the minimum wage, adopted rent control, curbed police misconduct, defended immigrants, and sought increased tax revenue and environmental justice from its largest employer, a Chevron refinery.

- from Steve Early's review of "Winning Richmond" in LA Progressive


The Gayle Force endorsements of candidates for offices from school board to Congress include candidates from different parties and many backgrounds and one unifying theme: to stand against the pernicious influence of corporate greed in our elections. It’s not enough to say that we oppose Citizens United and the Koch brothers, we must be true to our convictions by running truly corporate-free campaigns!

Meet the Candidates

What do I believe?

As a two-term Mayor of Richmond CA, I led a successful grassroots movement to liberate our city from the grip of corporate giants and wealthy special interests. Our progressive transformation returned political power to our residents and local businesses and we defeated the oil giant Chevron’s attempts to buy our democracy.

What Will You Do?

Are you willing to stand up against the corporate control of our lives, and organize locally with your friends and neighbors for political power? Will you join with them and me to create progressive, corporate-free, inclusive and diverse, year-round democratic and independent organizations to gain local political power for the people in your city, your school district, and your county?

We did it in Richmond, and like Bernie Sanders, we did it without corporate money and in spite of corporate money opposing us.
I look forward to visiting your community to share our experience of putting People First.

A better California is possible!


Throughout this campaign, and later as Lieutenant Governor, I will support the people’s struggles, and work to build progressive coalitions, promote new policies, and mobilize all Californians of good will, regardless of party affiliation, who are willing to transform our state.

Learn More

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As a two-term Mayor of Richmond CA, I led a successful grassroots movement to liberate our city from the grip of corporate giants and wealthy special interests. Our progressive transformation returned political power to our residents and local businesses and we defeated the oil giant Chevron’s attempts to buy our democracy.