2020 Keynote Speaker – Chesa Boudin

Chesa Boudin was elected as San Francisco's District Attorney on November 5, 2019.  He has been a leader in San Francisco and across the country for fundamental criminal justice reform. He has worked directly with victims of crime and families of prisoners to make the system serve them better. Chesa has led efforts in San Francisco and California to reform our unfair bail system, protect…

2020 Annual Meeting_Main

CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR TICKET!   Start the New Year joining fellow progressives at the 2020 California Progressive Alliance Annual Meeting! The meeting will take place on Saturday, January 11, 2020 in the Pauley Ballroom on the UC Berkeley campus. {Note: There will also be two additional events: the pre-Convention gathering on Friday evening, and a post-Convention gathering on…

Steering Committee

Eligibility: Any CPA member is eligible to be nominated for a leadership position within the Steering Committee, so long as he or she satisfies the membership requirements set forth in the bylaws (Article IV: Membership). The Steering Committee is elected annually at the scheduled general membership convening and will include: 5 Elected Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Recording Secretary,…

Legislative Bills

This is a list of current legislative bills officially supported by the CPA. Support for each bill is determined by a yay or nay OpaVote among all CPA members. If you would like to become a member please visit us here. List of Current Legislative Bills We SupportThis list is updated regularly

Finance Committee

The CPA finance develops yearly budget, review expenditures, and organizes fundraising projects.In order to be fully transparent the CPA will be disclosing full financial and expenditure reports here, which are available to membership and the public at large: Financial ReportsReceipts Contact: Paul Kilkenny —[email protected]

Single Payer Action Team

The Single Payer Action Team of the CPA seeks to address the need for each resident of California to have full health care coverage through an “Improved Medicare for All” system. To access the CPA Single Payer Action Team website, click here: www.medicareforall.news.blog   Contact: [email protected]

CPA Calendar

This calendar displays upcoming CPA and CPA-related actions, events, meetings, and important dates for the California progressive community. It is updated regularly by the Steering Committee and by each Action Team and Standing Committee. Calendar Color key above -- Please click individual events on calendar for event details

Standing Committees

Standing Committees exist within the CPA in order to address and fulfill functional activities of the organization (as opposed to Action Teams, which address issue-based programs and initiatives). Any member is eligible to be part of a Standing Committee -- please reach out at [email protected] if you would like to join one of the committees! Below is a list and description…

Action Teams

Action Teams are the basic units of research and action around specific topics and issues within the CPA (as opposed to Standing Committees, which address functional activities of the organization). Action Teams are responsible for initiating both strategy and policy discussions with the CPA (note: strategy or policy that require a decision or endorsement by the whole CPA or effect the CPA…

Bylaws, Platform and Proposals

At our 2019 Founding Convention in San Luis Obispo we heard from a variety of presenters from across the state and voted on a number of proposals. Below are links for each Proposal (including amendments) that passed by a majority vote of membership. New Proposals will be accepted for consideration and vote for the 2020 Convention. CPA Bylaws CPA Platform CPA Code of Conduct CPA…