Thank you for taking action!

Thank you for joining our campaign as a volunteer! Please continue the onboarding process by reviewing our Slack instructions. Also if you signed up to host a phonebank, textbank or canvass, please use this page to nail down your event specifics!



YOU are the future of the political revolution. As I go up and down the state I see your enthusiasm and hope for change and it gives me hope! Now that we have gathered over 14,000 signatures, we need to start working to connect with and turn out hundreds of thousands of voters. Your action will help us continue to build this corporate-free movement. 

If you joined us on a specific volunteer team like for fundraising or social media, please be sure to check your email and/or use the above Slack instructions to get fully onboarded with our team. If you choose to host a phonebank, textbank or canvass you can help organize to reach thousands of voters! Thus it is really important that you use the buttons above to nail down the specifics for your event! We have four months to make a win possible in June, and every day counts! 

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