Pledge Gayle





Thank you for learning more about Gayle McLaughlin’s Lt. Governor run and campaign to organize progressive alliances in as many as 100 California communities. Now that you know more about Gayle, will you pledge your vote in the June 5 primary election?

Senator Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution endorses me because as Mayor of Richmond, California (2007-2014) I led the city’s remarkable transformation, reducing homicides by 75%, increasing the minimum wage to $15, promoting rent control and helping homeowners avoid foreclosure, defending public schools and immigrant rights, and protecting the environment through pollution control, solarizing the city, bringing greener less expensive electricity to residents and businesses through Community Choice Energy, and forcing the Chevron refinery to pay $114 million in additional taxes. I am running for Lieutenant Governor to be a force in Sacramento against corporate corruption and backroom deals – to promote a People First agenda. I support Single Payer ‘Medicare for All’; closing the commercial property tax loophole of Proposition 13; instituting statewide rent control; building a million truly affordable homes; tuition-free public college; fully funding public education; ending charter school expansion; stopping the privatization of prisons; police accountability; a progressive millionaires tax; sustainable development; a ban on fracking; a public bank for California; immigrant rights; promoting union organizing; building local grassroots political power; campaign finance reform and public financing of campaigns; women’s rights; making it easier for people to vote and ensuring every vote is counted as cast. I’m corporate-free: I have never taken a dime of corporate money for my campaigns. My commitment is only to you, the voters and people of California. Our families and communities can thrive again once corporations pay their fair share and we put people first. I ask for your vote.


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