Celebrating Our Strength on International Women’s Day

I recently became aware of a wonderful quote by Harriet Tubman, the leading abolitionist in the Underground Railroad: “Don’t ever stop. If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.” Tubman’s line still speaks clearly to us today, on International Women’s Day, reminding us to “never stop” fighting…

The Delta Tunnels Are a Water Grab – Not a ‘WaterFix’

There’s a lie going around Sacramento, and much of the state, that we can solve California’s water problems by building two hugely expensive, environmentally disastrous tunnels beneath the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay Delta. So instead of calling the Delta tunnels project a “California WaterFix” like the governor, bureaucrats and water agencies are doing, let’s call…

Voter Survey

Voter Survey What would California look like with hundreds of communities organized locally for progressive change? I have been traveling the state for the past several months, sharing the Richmond Progressive Alliance model. I hope to meet you, soon!  Senator Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution endorses me because as Mayor of Richmond,…

Voter Survey

Voter Survey What would California look like with hundreds of communities organized locally for progressive change? I have been traveling the state for the past several months, sharing the Richmond Progressive Alliance model. I hope to meet you, soon!  Senator Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution endorses me because as Mayor of Richmond,…

Voter Survey

Voter Survey What would California look like with hundreds of communities organized locally for progressive change? I have been traveling the state for the past several months, sharing the Richmond Progressive Alliance model. I hope to meet you, soon!  Senator Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution endorses me because as Mayor of Richmond,…

Voter Survey

Voter Survey What would California look like with hundreds of communities organized locally for progressive change? I have been traveling the state for the past several months, sharing the Richmond Progressive Alliance model. I hope to meet you, soon!  Senator Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution endorses me because as Mayor of Richmond,…

SCOTUS Decision On Immigrant Detention Is An Outrage

Tuesday’s reactionary ruling by the Supreme Court, allowing law enforcement to arrest and indefinitely detain immigrants without a right to bond hearings, is an international disgrace. But what might be just as disgraceful is the deafening silence we’ve heard from the Democratic Party leadership in response. Nada. Zero. The 5-3 decision in Jennings v. Rodriguez doesn’t just apply…