Single-Payer Foes Open $2 Million Super PAC

Single-payer Medicare-for-All foes are taking no chances on the Lt. Governor race in California, and they’ve found a wealthy candidate to be their vehicle for opposing health care reform. On Thursday, wealthy Sacramento developer Angelo Tsakopoulos donated $2,020,000 to a super PAC for his daughter, Eleni Kounalakis, who is running for Lt. Governor. The super PAC is sponsored by the…

CounterPunch: Radical Mayors Leave Their Mark

Steve Early compares Richmond, CA, Mayor Gayle McLaughlin and the Richmond Progressive Alliance and Mayor Chokwe Lumumba and his Jackson, MS, coalition upon the release of new books chronicling two local political revolutions:  Mississippi and California aren’t much alike but the demographics of Richmond and Jackson share one thing in common: both cities are 80% non-white and voter…

Voter Survey – New Campaigns

Voter Survey What would California look like with hundreds of communities organized locally for progressive change? I have been traveling the state for the past several months, sharing the Richmond Progressive Alliance model. I hope to meet you, soon!  Senator Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution endorses me because as Mayor of Richmond,…

It’s time to build mass public transit in California

Less and less Californians are loving their cars. This is particularly noticeable with the younger generation. Getting stuck in traffic for hours and the awareness of what we are doing to the environment are two huge reasons. However, there remains a sense to a great extent that we’re stuck with our cars and our long commutes. But are we really? I think there are alternatives, and as your…

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

During the second half of the 1800s, more than two-and-a-half million Irish citizens immigrated to North America. My grandfather was one of them: Peter A. McLaughlin. As an eight-year-old boy from County Tyrone, Peter traveled with his father Michael, a farmer, and mother Mag, and his brothers and sisters to America with a thousand other immigrants in the steerage class of the “City of Rome” ship…

Voter Survey 6

Voter Survey What would California look like with hundreds of communities organized locally for progressive change? I have been traveling the state for the past several months, sharing the Richmond Progressive Alliance model. I hope to meet you, soon!  Senator Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution endorses me because as Mayor of Richmond,…

Voter Survey 5

Voter Survey What would California look like with hundreds of communities organized locally for progressive change? I have been traveling the state for the past several months, sharing the Richmond Progressive Alliance model. I hope to meet you, soon!  Senator Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution endorses me because as Mayor of Richmond,…

Make Donald Trump a Catalyst for Change

Donald Trump’s first visit to California is about two things: division, and greed. The official reason for Trump’s visit is to examine prototypes for a new border wall. This wall would cost tens of billions and will never be built. But what it represents is hatred and fear. Trump is a bigot, and Mexican immigrants are his target today. We must stand united as Californians to oppose these…

LA Progressives Shares Gayle’s Story

Today, March 12th, 2018, Steve Early wrote about Gayle in LA Progressives. Discussing her background, the growth of the Richmond Progressive Alliance and the transformation of Richmond. Here are a few highlights from Early's "A Working Class Mayor Is Something To Be": "Blue-collar Richmond was once notorious, in the Bay Area, for its street crime, gun violence, poverty, and pollution. During…

zzz Canvass for Gayle

Canvass for Gayle!           Thank you for joining our campaign. We need to reach hundreds of thousands of voters to win in June, and it will take your action to get us there! Join us today!     YOU are the future of the political revolution. As I go up and down the state I see your enthusiasm and hope for change and it gives me hope! Now that we…