Voter Survey

Voter Survey – Pledge         Thank you for learning more about Gayle McLaughlin’s Lt. Governor run and campaign to organize progressive alliances in as many as 100 California communities. Now that you know more about Gayle, will you pledge your vote in the June 5 primary election? I still need to learn more about Gayle and her campaign: Click to Learn…

zzz Create your phonebank event!

Create your phonebank event!       Thank you for joining our campaign, please use this page to nail down the specifics for your event!   YOU are the future of the political revolution. As I go up and down the state I see your enthusiasm and hope for change and it gives me hope! Now that we have gathered over 14,000 signatures, we need to start working to connect…

zzz Create your textbank event!

Create your textbank event!     Thank you for joining our campaign, please use this page to nail down the specifics for your event!   YOU are the future of the political revolution. As I go up and down the state I see your enthusiasm and hope for change and it gives me hope! Now that we have gathered over 14,000 signatures, we need to start working to connect with…

zzz Create your canvassing event!

Create your canvassing event!   Thank you for joining our campaign, please use this page to nail down the specifics for your event!   YOU are the future of the political revolution. As I go up and down the state I see your enthusiasm and hope for change and it gives me hope! Now that we have gathered over 14,000 signatures, we need to start working to connect with and…

Gayle Force

GAYLE FORCE Candidates It is crucial that California’s corporate-free progressive candidates and elected officials work together to build people power in our school districts, our city councils, in the statehouse, and in our federal government. I am proud to endorse these candidates! *The California Progressive Alliance will not endorse candidates before our founding convention in 2019…

Bernie’s Our Revolution Endorses!

I am SO proud of our team’s incredible work and thankful for your support today as I announce the new endorsement of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ and Nina Turner's Our Revolution. I’m honored to join the likes of civil rights leaders Ben Jealous, running for governor of Maryland, and Joe Salazar, running for attorney general of Colorado, and my Richmond Progressive Alliance (RPA) ally Jovanka…

Public Banking: Getting Wall St. out of California

In the aftermath of the Great Recession, we in Richmond found ourselves in a situation all too familiar across the country; our residents were facing foreclosures due to the predatory practices of Wall Street at an alarming rate. Our response to this crisis was very different: Instead of towing the line and allowing our neighbors to be thrown into the streets while the culprits were bailed out,…

Investing in our Future

A few days ago, I met with UC Berkeley students. The plans by the UC Board of Regents to raise tuition for students again was high among their concerns. I stated that this is exactly the opposite of what I stand for – free public college! I do not and I will not support tuition and fee hikes. Students are rightfully outraged that the Board of Regents would consider raising tuition, considering…

Help us count and sort signatures for Gayle!

Help us count and sort signatures for Gayle!   Please RSVP to help Jon sort out and count all the petition forms that have come in from our petition drive! We need to do a final tally, and bundle everything so it can be turned into the proper counties. Food and drinks will be provided! Where: RPA Office at the Bobby Bowens Progressive Center, 2540 Macdonald Ave,…

About My Friend, Gayle

Gayle McLaughlin and I were co-founders of the Richmond Progressive Alliance, 15 years ago. We have always believed that friends and neighbors organizing locally was the key to reach local and global transformation, and Gayle’s Lt. Governor campaign is part of the evolution of our corporate-free movement. This progressive vision also goes beyond our state - we believe in standing in solidarity…