Rent Control Now!

On Thursday, corporate Democrats in Sacramento showed their true colors yet again. Hundreds of activists fighting for affordable and accessible housing - many of you, I know! - had gathered at the statehouse to urge lawmakers to push through legislation that would repeal the Costa Hawkins Act, which limits rent control measures by localities to covering only buildings built prior to 1995. When…

California for the 99%

If there was anything that my battles in Richmond have taught me it is this: to bring real change we must unite behind our shared values, vision, and policy. We must put people before party, and the only way to do that is to focus on what will make a real difference for the 99%. The changes that will make this difference for the 99% are very clear. We must bring living wages to working…

Thank You for Gathering Signatures – RoboCall

Thank You for Gathering Signatures! Please use this page to report your total signatures collected to date! Signature Gathering ToolkitThank you for your activism and time! Together we will build a corporate-free movement to make a California that works for the 99%!   [mpc_carousel_image preset="default" loop="true" speed="500" layout="fluid"…

zzz 3rd Petition Team Conference Call!

Join us for our weekly Petition Team Conference Call!   Join Gayle for California Volunteer Coordinators Jon Gilgoff and Max Carone on a webinar to discuss our program gathering over 20,000 signatures!   Signature Gathering ToolkitPlease RSVP to join us for our first statewide Petition Team conference call on Wednesday, Jan. 10th at 6:30pm. The last call we had like this…

Sign up for updates

Gayle McLaughlin for Lieutenant Governor 2018 Across California, local progressives are joining together to take back power. Together we are organizing corporate-free alliances that serve the people’s interest. Sign-up to join our movement and get involved!  

Look Ahead at 2018

2018 is going to be the year for corporate-free progressive power, because if there is anything 2017 showed us, it is that we can no longer allow a corporate stranglehold on our democracy. Last year, nearly every legislative action at the federal level -- and some at the state -- was bought and paid for by the 1% and corporate cash. In the District of Corporations (D.C.) we saw the gutting of…

Richmond Barnstorm

Join us for our first Barnstorm in Richmond! Join Gayle in Richmond on Jan. 5th, for our first Barnstorm! Please RSVP to join us for our first Barnstorm on Jan. 5th from 6 – 8 PM at the Bobby Bowens Progressive Center – 2540 Macdonald Ave, Richmond, CA 94801. We will discuss our petition campaign, and have a Q&A. Our goal is to walk away with plenty of signature gathering…

Thank You for Gathering Signatures – Week 3 Reporting

Thank You for Gathering Signatures! Please use this page to report your signature collections from last week! Signature Gathering ToolkitThank you for your activism and time! Together we will build a corporate-free movement to make a California that works for the 99%!   [mpc_carousel_image preset="default" loop="true" speed="500" layout="fluid"…

SF Chronicle: “Ex-Richmond mayor looks to bring a Bernie Sanders approach to Sacramento”

Recently John Wildermuth, a political reporter with the San Francisco Chronicle covered our campaign, below are some highlights from the article. Check out the full story here! For former Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, it’s time to take her city’s progressive politics on the road. McLaughlin, a former Green Party member, is running for lieutenant governor in 2018 as an independent…