Midnight Beginnings

Tonight is the deadline for Gayle’s fundraising report, and I hope that you will make a donation of any size to show the strength of this grassroots movement. Large contributions are great, but when we can say that thousands of people have invested their hard-earned dollars in this campaign, that is the victory that we are looking for. Twenty-seven dollars, one dollar, these are appreciated and…

Host a House Party with Gayle!

The goal of a house party should be raising money as well as introducing new people to a candidate. House party's are a vital part to fueling our campaign and spreading Gayle's message across the state, and they are a great experience. I recently hosted one for Gayle at my home in San Francisco and I want to share my experience with you so you can step up and host one yourself! At our San…

Organize California

As we prepare to greet 2018, I can’t stop thinking about how much we can accomplish in the next year. We are on the cusp of radical change that will transform California politics. The nature of change is that it’s hard to see it happening - and then, suddenly, everything is very different. My campaign is about a vision for sweeping change that puts the well being of people and community at the…

zzz 2nd Petition Team Conference Call!

Join us for our weekly Petition Team Conference Call!   Join Gayle for California Volunteer Coordinators Jon Gilgoff and Max Carone on a webinar to discuss our program gathering over 20,000 signatures!   Signature Gathering ToolkitPlease RSVP to join us for our first statewide Petition Team conference call on Wednesday, Jan. 3rd at 6:30pm. The last call we had like this…

A California Economy for the People

As we look to 2018, we face a Republican Party that has unmasked the wholesale greed that fuels its existence. There is no starker symbol of this greed than Trump’s declaration, after the GOP Tax Scam vote, to wealthy partygoers at his coastal resort this Christmas: “You all just got a lot richer!” Rest is required for us to resume the fight. I hope that your holidays have been full of the…

Thank You for Gathering Signatures – Week 2 Reporting

Thank You for Gathering Signatures! Please use this page to report your signature collections from last week! Signature Gathering ToolkitThank you for your activism and time! Together we will build a corporate-free movement to make a California that works for the 99%!   [mpc_carousel_image preset="default" loop="true" speed="500" layout="fluid"…

Wishing you a joyful December 25th!

We are approaching December 25 and many throughout the world are preparing to celebrate Christmas.  People will be reflecting on the story of Mary and Joseph searching for a room in Bethlehem to give birth to a baby who would become Jesus, the carpenter and teacher of Nazareth.  That homeless family gave birth to their child in a stable, just as many in California and our nation have come to…

Volunteer: Next Steps!

Thank you for taking action! Thank you for joining our campaign as a volunteer! Please continue the onboarding process by reviewing our Slack instructions. Also if you signed up to host a phonebank, textbank or canvass, please use this page to nail down your event specifics!     Slack InstructionsHost a Phonebank - Create Event!Host a Textbank - Create Event!Host a Canvass - Create…

Living Wages for Workers Now!

It’s no secret that for the last 40 years, working and middle class families have gotten a bad deal in our country. Despite continued inflation, increasing costs of living and massive growth in productivity, wages have stayed flat. In fact, when adjusted for inflation, US workers earning the federal minimum wage today have less buying power than minimum wage workers nearly five decades ago. In…