Jaffe’s Email for Gayle!

Thank you for your amazing support for my campaign! The support that has continued to flood in from across the country tells me that we are ripe for change! Doug Jones won in Alabama and now Paul Ryan wants to resign - wow. I’m running against the top House Democrat because we desperately need to reform the Democratic Party. I’m committed to fighting for progressive change from within the…

Thank You for Gathering Signatures – Week 1 Reporting

Thank You for Gathering Signatures! Please use this page to report your signature collections from over this last weekend! Signature Gathering ToolkitThank you for your activism and time! Together we will build a corporate-free movement to make a California that works for the 99%!   [mpc_carousel_image preset="default" loop="true" speed="500" layout="fluid"…

The fight for a free internet is not over!

As you may know, on December 14th the FCC spearheaded by former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai voted along party lines to repeal Net Neutrality protections and attempt to bar states from enacting their own rules. Going against 83% of Americans who favored keeping a free and open internet. Though the 14th was a win for the AT&T, Verizon and Comcast, it is by no means the end of our fight. There are 3…

Thank You for Taking Action!

Thank You for Taking Action! Thank you for joining our campaign! Use this page to access our Signature Gathering Toolkit, to access your petition forms and resources. Also please nail down your event specifics using this form if you choose to host one! Signature Gathering ToolkitThe response of folks wanting to host events and gather signatures to get Gayle on the ballot has been…

Petition Team Conference Call!

Join us for our first Petition Team Conference Call! Join Gayle for California Volunteer Coordinators Jon Gilgoff and Max Carone on a conference call to discuss our program, ideas for gathering signatures over the holidays and an update on how the first weekend went! Signature Gathering ToolkitPlease RSVP to join us for our first statewide Petition Team conference call on Monday,…

It’s here! store.gayleforcalifornia.org

Whoa! It’s here! Gayle’s store. We’ve teamed up with BumperActive, a great union on-demand print shop, to provide Gayle for California schwag by mail - items are priced per each, and if you’d like to make a large order for your group (and get discounted rates), just email [email protected] or call 512.465.9306. All purchases are in-kind donations to Gayle’s campaign. Order now and get…

Take Action Today: #ReplaceNAFTA

“Free trade” agreements like NAFTA have been a disaster for America’s working and middle class families by destroying unions and causing massive offshoring of good American jobs.These agreements are solely a result of corporate-cash buying off our representatives. We can not afford any more corporate giveaways like this, and today we have a chance to fight them. NAFTA is up for renegotiation…

Voter Survey

Voter Survey What would California look like with hundreds of communities organized locally for progressive change? I have been traveling the state for the past several months, sharing the Richmond Progressive Alliance model. I hope to meet you, soon!  Senator Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution endorses me because as Mayor of Richmond,…

Fighting for Public Education

We all know that the current GOP tax “plan” is disaster for working and middle class families across the country, and particularly in California. The majority of Americans will see their taxes increase to foot the bill racked up through massive tax cuts for corporations and the 1%. For Californians specifically, it is the elimination of the widely used State and Local Tax (SALT) deductions that…

Your Signature Gathering Event Details!

Your Signature Gathering Event Details! Thank you for committing to host signature gathering events to get Gayle on the ballot! It’s time we show the power of our grassroots movement! Signature Gathering ToolkitThe response of folks wanting to host events and gather signatures to get Gayle on the ballot has been amazing, thank you so much for committing to take…